About Me
How my experience and expertise can help YOU…
Welcome! I’m Jen, and I offer yoga classes focusing on YOU and your divine uniqueness.
My yoga mission is to try reach as many people through yoga no matter their ability, size, age or state they are in.
I truly believe yoga is for everyone, and I’m here to help you realise this truth.
How are my Yoga Classes Different?
I’m a little outside your Yoga Teacher stereotype! I'm curvylicious with an ankle disability
I include body peace and acceptance into all of my classes. No matter what is going on with your body, I welcome and include you, adapting to cater to every BODY.
Whether you:
feel you don’t fit into the typical yoga body stereotype
are struggling with body image
have a disability
are entering your wisdom years
are trying yoga for the first time
recovering from ill health or injury/surgery
managing a physical or mental illness
I cater yoga classes to YOU, so you can embrace your wonderful unique self, which means you can accept yourself the way you are right now!
““When you realise how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky!””
How can Yoga Heal your Relationship with your Body?
Yoga helps you develop appreciation for your body through connection and joyful movement
Yoga invites you to observe how your body feels rather than judge how it looks
Yoga guides you to listen to your inner wisdom and body affirming ways
Am I the Right Yoga Teacher for you?
Here are some facts about me:
I grew up in a wonderful family who surrounded me with love and laughter, however, I was also gifted (I say gifted because it has given me empathy and the ability to be strong in adversity) with a challenging disability.
I was born with Bilateral Talipes Equinovarus (also known as clubfoot). I spent my first years of life in plaster casts and undergoing many corrective surgeries. By the time I turned 30, I had undergone major surgery and was dependant on a walking stick and intense pain killers. I was either going to need an amputation or a wheelchair.
In 2015 things started to turn around. I travelled to the United States and was incredibly lucky to be fitted with a prosthesis device. Since then, I have been walking and living pain-free! I have even been able to complete half marathons and a three-week hike in the Himalayas. I will always be grateful to be active with my friends, family, and loved ones.
I would love for this prosthesis device to be available for more New Zealanders who need it. To learn more about my prosthesis journey
Throughout many challenges in my life, Yoga has been an incredible tool that I have relied on time and time again, which is why I am so passionate in believing that yoga truly is for every BODY. I know yoga doesn’t discriminate. No matter your age, size, shape, or ability, yoga can be adapted for YOU. I know this because I’ve clearly lived it.
I wanted to find a way to use yoga to help people who wouldn’t necessarily think that yoga could be adapted for them and their individual needs. I wanted to find a way to spread the benefits of yoga to those who truly need them. That’s where my idea for The Adaptive Yogi was born. Since completing numerous yoga teacher trainings, I have taken great pride in helping my yoga students who all come from many different walks of life.
I would love to be able to help you too!
““Jen’s deeply calming voice penetrates your soul, you leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated...ready to take on anything..xx” ”
Certifications, Trainings & Workshops
Curvy Yoga Certification - Anna Guest-Jelley
Silent Meditation Immersion 5 nights, Mahumudra Buddhist Centre - Venerable Thubten Khadro
Silent Meditation Immersion 5 nights, Mahumudra Buddhist Centre - Venerable Thubten Khadro
Awareness of Awareness Meditation Course 2 days - Venerable Thubten Khadro
Antar Mouna Meditation Series 6 weeks - Swami Premajoyti2021
Accessible Yoga Teacher Training - Jivanna Heyman and Amber Karnes
Yoga for Arthritis Teacher Training - Steffany Moonaz
The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection! - Kristine Kavoreii Weber
Yoga Nidra Advanced 6 month Mentorship - Premajoyoti Saraswati
Yoga for ALL Teacher Training - Dianne Bondy & Amber Karnes
The Science of Slow Teacher Training - Kristine Kaoverii Weber
Chair Yoga Programme - Amber Karnes
Body Positive Byron Bay 6 day Immersion - Sarah Harry/Dianne Bondy
Ignite your Yoga Teaching Career Course - Kara-Leah Grant
Yoga for Women’ 3 day Workshop - Swami Karma Karuna
Meditation 'Power of Awareness' Intensives (9&5 days) - Swami Anandakumar
Anatomy of the Breath Teachers 3 day Workshop - Leslie Kaminoff
RYT 150 hr Yoga Nidra/Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - Anahata Yoga/Kawaipurapura
Immersion 7 days - Atmashree Yoga/Swami Tadapani - in Pokhara, NepalJourney to Self Acceptance - Dianne Bondy, online course
RYT 200hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training - Ashram Yoga
Iyengar Conference 2 days - Auckland, Geeta Iyengar - 2005
Iyengar Immersion 5 days - Byron Bay, Sue Hawkins - 2004
Back-bend Workshop 3 days - Auckland, Peter Thompson - 2003
Teachers, traditions & gurus that have taught, guided and inspired me in various ways -
Pioneering Curvy, Body Positive Accessible Adaptive Yogis - Sarah Harry, Amber Karnes, Jivana Heyman, Anna Guest-Jelley, Jessamyn Stanley, Mary-Jo Fetterley, Matthew Sanford, Dianne Bondy
Satyananda Yoga - Swami Karma Karuna, Sannyasi Pragyadhara, Swami Taponidhi, Brendon Sakey Yogeshwan, Swami Premajoyti, Swami Anandakumar
Ashram Yoga NZ - Swami Shantimurti, Atma Okan, Devananda Gleitman
BKS Iyengar, Joy Sanders, Geeta Iyengar
Various Rockstar Yogis and all round amazing inspiration - Venerable Thubten Khadro, Kara-Leah Grant, Zac Parish (Gyalten Sengye), Jon Kabat-Zinn, The Connection - Shannon Jones, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dipenza, Jaggi Vasudev – Sadhguru, Alan Watts, Leslie Kaminoff, Zac Bush